Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Talking MuayThai with Fighting Words

Questions flew in from some very well-prepared sports journalists, asking about MuayThai and really wanting to know what it's like doing sport as a woman. Surprising? Yes, and even more so when you know the intrepid trio are primary school students.

That's me in the middle getting the Sports Corrs Ready to Rumble!
Maeve, Oisin and Adam are working with Fighting Words in Dublin - learning how to make a newspaper and blog. They chose the sports department, and I was lucky enough to be invited along for one of  their sessions.

That's me in the middle showing the Sports Writers how to get ready to rumble!   

They had a list of detailed questions - it was a pleasure to speak with them. I'm sure lots of you doing minority sports have had the fun of being interviewed by journalists who don't know a single thing about your sport .... this was the complete opposite of that :)

Their group blog is  The Harold  and I'm really looking forward to reading the newspaper when it's out later in the summer.

The trio also interviewed Irish rugby player Fiona Coughlan - captain of Grand Slam winners 2013.

It's was so much fun talking about MuayThai again, something I don't do enough of anymore I realised. I'll see if I can embed the sports section of the paper here when it's done.

See the Fighting Words page for more info on the courses they run during the year.

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