eating for sport

Food and nutrition can come across as such complex topics but unless we understand what's going into our bodies we can't take part as well as we'd like. It's all very well to say eat healthily but what does that mean? 

So this is a list of fact-sheets I've found useful for on my personal diet; from two reputable sources. One is the Irish Nutrition and Dietetics Institute, the other is the Australian Institute of Sport. 

If you can't find answers to your queries here, leave me a comment and I will look into it for you :)

eating before exercise - what to eat, when to eat

carbs, the facts 

food and fluid for marathons 

gluten-free diets    - for sports people with Coeliac Disease

iron, are you getting enough?


recovery nutrition  - includes a list of good foods to pack in your sports-bag

supplements  - ie a minefield where we definitely need help

the truth about alcohol and exercise

vegetarian eating and sport

what should a sportsperson eat 


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